dothawkes - i don't think your comparison stands up oin this occasion.
The context of the knights' fight in the 'Holy Grail' is part of a film where the genre of heroic epic costume dramas is being riddiculed, and this is a small part of that film. The action is slapstick and cartoonish, with dialogue to match, and cannot be seen as in any way lampooning the history or people of the time.
A stand-up routine, topical though it is, can, and may be intended to, cause offence to people - although I would agree that this is typical of FB, and therefore to be expected.
To answer your Question - funny or not? Not - but that's just because it didn't make me laugh.
Humour is entirely subjective, and amen to that - i don't think FB would make a speech at the funeral of one of the victims and say this line, but in the conext of an audience who surely know what to expect, he is merely pushing boundaries, an attitude on which his reputation and appeal; is founded.