Your partner may have had a terible childhood - but that does not escuse him becoming a terrible adult.
this man obviously overcompensates for the powerlessness he felt as a child, and has become a control freak as a man.
because you are being submissive, you are facilitating this control aspect, to the point where you are like a broken weather house - he is permanently 'out' and you are permanently'in'.
You need to be aware that this situation is only going to get worse, as ummmm has said - the less you retain of your personality, the more he will take over because it fuels his need never to be 'controlled' again.
Frankly, as it stands, your relationship is not healthy. Yes your partner needs help, but you are not the persoln to provide it - you are not in the correct position, and you lack the necessary counselling skills. That is not a criticism, merely a fact.
Before you get to the sdtage where you are convinced you will not be able to live without him - a premise he will be delighted to encourage - you should seriously think about leaving him.
This relationship is destructive - and you are the one being destroyed.
If you feel able - and it appears doubtful from your post - you need to have a serious talk about the simbalances in your relationship. If you feel unable to tackle that, I seriously think you should look at moving out of your home to give you both time to assess what you want from your rleationship, and whether it has a healthy future, bcause it has an unhealthy past, and a deteriorating present.
Moving out may bseem drastic, but as things are, you are going to reach a stage where you have no self-belief left, and no-one, no matter how badly they have suffered as a child - is worth that.