Does the misuse/omission of apostrophes irritate you? What about any other punctuation errors or turns-of-phrase? eg 'basically....' or 'so I turned round and said...'
One of the ones that does my head in is when people think they are speaking correctly by saying eg 'it was for Paul and I' instead of 'it was for Paul and me'.
Incidentally, can I pre-empt my stalkers and say, yes, I am sometimes anal retentive.
Not familiar with it then, Mark? It was the difference between 'eats shoots and leaves' ie what a panda does, and 'eats, shoots and leaves' indicating three verbs.
I did actually have to correct my boss's comment on my appraisal report. I'd explained that I'd gained a BSc that year. Thicko put, 'she has attained a BSE'. I know I can be a bit of a mad cow sometimes but that was taking it a bit too far.