The Haunted Royston House
One stormy night a Cambridgeshire man, a Suffolk man and a Norfolk man were walking home near Royston and had no shelter so in the middle of this big flat they found this haunted house.
They were all freaked out and hesitated to go in.
Eventually, the Cambridgeshire man went in and found a five pound note sitting on the table and he goes to lift it when all of a sudden the ghost of Mickey Mouse appears and says "I'm the ghost of Mickey Mouse lift that fiver and I'll haunt your house"
Next the Suffolk man went in and saw the fiver, but before he could lift it the ghost of Mickey Mouse appeared again and said "I'm the ghost of Mickey Mouse lift that fiver and I'll haunt your house".
Finally, the Norfolk man went in and lifted the fiver and Mickey Mouse popped out again and said "I'm the ghost of Mickey mouse lift that fiver and I'll haunt your house"
Then the Norfolk man said "I'm the ghost of Donald Duck I'll lift this fiver and I'll run like feck"