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Punctuation And Spaces !

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EvianBaby | 20:40 Tue 16th Jul 2013 | Phrases & Sayings
58 Answers
Recently I've noticed a lot of people (here and everywhere) putting spaces between the end of sentences and the punctuation, apart from full stops.

Like this !

You know what I mean ?

I asked a guy at work why he did it and he said he thinks it makes it easier to read. I completely disagree.

I do try not to be a grammar nazi, mine is hardly perfect but I find it inexplicably annoying.

Do you think it makes it easier to read?

And if you do it, why?


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It's backward thinking, Tilly!
try it in your mirror, Tilly
ʎllıʇ ɹoɹɹıɯ ɹnoʎ uı ʇı ʎɹʇ
!ees I, ho That had me fooled.

and you can even double space question and exclamation marks too, if it be your heart's desire.
jno, that looks cyrillic but I now know better.
до свидания
Got me there, jno.
It's "goodbye," tilly
You off then, Jno?
Double spaces don't show up in HTML because by default all white space is reduced to a single space unless tagged to format as typed.
jno, being our residential 'red under the bed' Rusky.......
Oh Farley's Rusks. I remember them. Lovely.
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Why is it a waste of time exactly DT? Did I suggest the world would end due to the inproper use of punctuation? It's a perfectly reasonable question that some people chose to answer properly, without feeling the need to be a smart arse.
I do it sometimes, particularly if the last letters are capitals (eg JJ). It looks better to me to write JJ ? - than JJ? which to me looks like a third letter.
DTC Easy to read your message at 10.17.
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I'm surprised so many think that's easier to read. I don't think it makes it any harder, just not really any easier.

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