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Punctuation And Spaces !

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EvianBaby | 20:40 Tue 16th Jul 2013 | Phrases & Sayings
58 Answers
Recently I've noticed a lot of people (here and everywhere) putting spaces between the end of sentences and the punctuation, apart from full stops.

Like this !

You know what I mean ?

I asked a guy at work why he did it and he said he thinks it makes it easier to read. I completely disagree.

I do try not to be a grammar nazi, mine is hardly perfect but I find it inexplicably annoying.

Do you think it makes it easier to read?

And if you do it, why?


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Mmm, I do it sometimes.

Because I think it makes it easier to err ... err

Okay, nothing, really.
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Why do you do it JJ? You obviously know its not correct.
I have been known to do it by accident, it becomes a habit hitting the spacebar after the end of a typed word.
I believe they used to do it that way with colons, as in, instead of, say:

"This is what we should do: run towards the shops..."

You'd have:

"This is what we should do : run towards the shops..."

Notice also the double-space after! Weird.
What Daffy said, same here !
The double space would have shown up, had I hit it. But you get my meaning I think.
I don't do it (well, not on purpose) and I really notice it when others do it as I can 'mark' word processing so it stands out a mile. I wouldn't comment on it though as this is not school or some sort of test.
Oh my, AB deletes the second space! Weird. That's grammar Nazism, imposing AB's punctuation on the rest of us! No wonder I couldn't demonstrate it.
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Get you now Jim :) I wonder if that's the reason.

I can understand doing it by accident every now and then but I see so many people who do it consistently that there's no way it's a mistake.
I always read between the lines. There are no words there and one can get through the thing a whole lot quicker.
i only do it for crosswords so that the answer is separate from any punctuation (esp. since '?' is used for missing letters)
Not as annoying (and unnecessary) as people who do this:

!!!!!!!!!!!!! or ?????????

One is enough thanks.
I've never noticed it anywhere before, but I think I would find it annoying if people started doing it everywhere. I don't think it makes it easier to read.
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I did say not just on here Sher. Yes, a current post brought it to mind to ask but I've actually noticed it tons on twitter and like I said, people at work. And apart from asking him why, I've never mentioned it to any of the others.
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Oh yes Snags. Multiple !!! is another major annoyance. I have a sister who can't write a single sentence without !!! At the end of it. It bothers me so much I told her I won't reply to her texts unless she stops doing it. Although I don't like her much anyway so it suits me.
I do know it's wrong, and there's really no excuse for it.

Sometimes you just want to emphasise the punctuation, by letting it stand onits own.

Ahaa, that's the answer !!

Yes ??
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I won't dignify that with a response, JJ. Apart from this one, obviously ;)
really ‽‽‽
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You make me sick! ;)

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Punctuation And Spaces !

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