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sunny-dave | 11:50 Tue 11th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Hells teeth - I'm booked on the early evening flight back from Barcelona to Luton - and am idling the morning away in a sunny cafe with free wifi before setting off to El Prat.

The forecast for Luton says it's currently snowing and will get worse - is this actually true?

worried dave :(((


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no, no snow showing in luton today
love barcelona,ive been around a lot but that city still does it for me
Nahh....someone's pulling your leg, Dave......It's warm and sunny in Luton. I should stick your coat in your case.....T shirt and shorts will do for your journey home.....and you'll need your sun glasses and straw hat too...

That'll teach him to clear off to sit outside sunny cafes when we're freezing and wet.....☻
Has been poring with rain but the sun is out now, but not warm

N/Kent, we had about 5 minutes of what looked like snow mixed in with the rain blowing horizontally past the window about 30 mins ago!
Glossop area apparently has snow
Garden covered in snow when I woke up this morning. However, sun is out now and it's almost all disappeared. Forecast is for snow on high ground in the east of Scotland.
So does Alaska!
//Has been poring with rain .... //

Always makes me smile when i hear someone say that .
What else would be pouring with - orange juice ?
The wind is howling here and it's peeing down, but no snow.
Warm as toast indoors on my laptop though, drinking steaming mug of tea!
Large snowflakes falling here in Leicestershire for half an hour but nothing lying Got sun out now.
cupid - have you ever watch documentaries about the wildlife and animals of the Alaskan wilderness ?
No, Bazile, it makes me feel cold:-)
Cupid - try sitting on a chair and not your laptop.......(smartarse lol)
As part of my job I was looking at the weather in Madrid this morning and snow was on the way there!

It's getting blooming chilly here atm, just turned the thermostat up to 17°, highest it's been for ages.
accuweather and the BBC can't see any snow coming to Luton. You're probably seeing some fake forecast the FO put together to deter immigrants
In fact there is a forecast for snow at Luton but not until tomorrow morning.
TEMPO 1202/1206 7000 SHRASN BKN012 PROB30 TEMPO 1202/1206 2000 SHSN
this means that temporarily between 0200 and 0600 on the 12th, visibility 7000 metres, showers of rain and snow. Cloud base at 1200 feet and probability that between those times the visibility will go down to 2000 metres with snow showers.
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Hmmm - just phoned home and my neighbours have had a 'white-out' for an hour or so - but sunny and cold now. Glad the duvet jacket is in the car.
This is aviation forecast jno, which is specific for airports up to 30 hours ahead
sunny-dave says it's supposed to be snowing right now, though. Maybe it is, thogh ivor says not.

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