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Winter Draws On.....

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Mosaic | 12:05 Tue 20th Oct 2015 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
I've given in and lit the pilot light on the gas fire. Living it large.


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I've got to go out on the Kawasaki today - 50 mile run - may well need the thermals as well as the leathers :(
my winter draws have been on since september
I've turned the heating on to 15 for a couple of hours, would be fine if OH learned how to close outside doors!
Well...that'll cool the manly bits then, Dave......☺

Beautiful, warm day here in Northants, and doors open....sun on the patio.....x
I've had my winter draws on for a couple of weeks now! Long Wincyettee with elastic round the legs ;-)
don't think i'd be going for a bike ride if i'd had dave's morning shower
Please..... :-)
re margo, be still my beating heart
Retro - I don't want to reveal too much when I do my jive with Danny.
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Life north of Birmingham requires being anointed with goose grease at Michaelmas and followed by being sewn into a stout pair of interlock combinations for the winter. No point taking silly chances with rogue draughts.
I have all the windows in this office open today
Got to have a ra ra skirt or a dress like wot that Doris Day wore for jiving
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Do you like the cold Ric?
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Retro - you mean, for you? Well done sir. Embrace your gurliness with two hands.
Aelmpvw - Down boy! I have them in a pleasing shade of pale pink, pale green and a nice shade of lilac!
Who's Doris Day Retro - before my time ;-))
Pale pink - the actual term is 'corset pink'
Probably your namesake if you start jiving before your hip is ready. "Calamity Jane"
granny grump
Oh god it gets worse. I am back to crosswords PDQ
Never wear them. I like to go commando !

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Winter Draws On.....

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