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I Will Try

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TWR | 12:58 Fri 22nd Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
to put this In a way that some might not Knit Pick, correct my spelling, rephrase the way it's written, find fault in any way it's been delivered, say I'm Racists, anti Immigrant,

Is the UK getting invaded?

Are we prisoners in our own Country?

Are we afraid to say what we think?

Are the whites going to be the lesser population?

Is it worth asking any more questions without offending a few?



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1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5.'s really not worth finding any more ways of asking essentially the same questions on a daily basis.
Hasn't your list of questions been covered in your recent thread ?

Like a dog with a bone!
What a shame you used a racist term AND managed to mis-spell it.

I like what you did there, TWR, about 'knit pick'.

And thanks, hc- I have only just learnt that the term is considered racist in some circles because of its links to the slave trade
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes
5. I wouldn't worry too much about offending the perpetually offended on here. They live to be offended.
With the up most respect twr, I am bored by your constant questions on "" this subject ,,,
No no no - your questions don't offend me but I do worry about your obsession and obvious unhappiness with things around you.

1 Yes
2. No- I can't see any evidence at all of this
3. Isn't this a riddle- a bit like "do you always tell lies". In your case the only possible answer people can give should be 'NO'.
4.Not in the next 50 years.
5. I don't understand how the second bit relates to the first bit. There is no harm in asking but peoplemay not bother answering the same questions asked several times
I don't understand why you ask 'are we prisoners in our country'
TWR, how do you feel about the white immigrants such as the Polish people in the UK? Do they concern you to the same extent as the black and Asians?
Yes....what, exactly, constitutes 'spamming' on here? do remind me.
I was going to say something similar, hc.
no (not yet)
yes (eventually)
By you? Yes, if phrased correctly and without the rabid foaming of the mouth :-)

Not sure what you mean.......

Yes........particularly on AB.

Yes ...without a shadow of a doubt. idea..Whatever you say, whenever you say it, whatever the subject, someone will be offended. Don't let it worry you.
Some are
Yes - one day in the future but not yet
Question Author
Squad, do you think? I do my work, I help people, I have my coffi / Brandy, & sleep well, bother me, there is as much chance of me telling lies! have a nice evening all.

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