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Grapes And Cheese, Port And Cheese? I Mean What The Hell?

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Jahulaye | 06:22 Sat 07th Oct 2017 | Food & Drink
79 Answers
A friend told me she was having this yesterday and that made me think who the hell invented these weird combinations? Obviously some rich toff with much on their hands but the real question is why commoners blindly follow them and exclaim, wow this is great! And fish eggs ( caviar ) as well, do people know how this is produced? Who said “ yeah, I’m going to squeeze a rare fish and eat it’s babies on crackers?” Against some weird toff, no doubt.


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Not sure what is wrong with wine and cheese ?
By the way, Jahulaye....welcome to AB !
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Who actually has these combinations and says “wow, this is the best combination ever!? Said no one ever.

Many thanks for the welcome, I actually was here long before you in a different name which is now inactive, due to the trolling that I received long before AB had its makeover and installed moderators but thank you anyway. XxX
By the way, on the very few occasions I have had caviar, I thought it was a very horrid way of wasting good money.
Absoloutly love caviar. Especially the Russian variety. And an open bottle of port is an empty bottle in Chez Zac.
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Don’t get me started on uncooked oysters either, swallowing something which can kill you without tasting it just to be “ upmarket “ is also a nono.
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Another champagne= just fizzy wine made in a certain area, cheaper fizzy wines taste just as good and better Imo
I'm making chicken in a honey, lemon and cumin sauce tomorrow. Is that an abomination or a sign that I'm a rich toff?
I love oysters and caviar. I can't afford the expensive stuff, so make do with lumpfish roe from Lidl when they've got it.

Regarding the cheese and port thing, I think someone must have thought they went together nicely, and others agreed. I don't eat them because some toff says so. In fact, I don't like port so I'll have something else with my cheese.
Zacs....with you on the Port !

Someone gave me a bottle of vintage Port, circa 1984, in about 1986, and its been lying down in the garage every since. I was going to open it when I was 50, and then again when I was 60. The next significant b'day will be next June, when I am 65, so may try it then.

I hope it isn't corked !

But how can I find out out is that year was a good year, and whether I should wait a bit longer ?
Re strange combinations Was sat outside a British bar on hols one year and felt a bit peckish, so ordered a chip butty. A American couple sat at another table enquired. What's a chip butty? I explained and they had a puzzled look on their faces. After a few questions off them how it was prepared. They couldn't understand the combination of potato and bread.
But that's off a country that has a portion of jam on a plate alongside eggs and bacon.
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Err chicken and honey/lemon or cumin wasn’t mentioned anywhere
1ozzy, a Taylor’s late bottled vintage will do just fine. And a few morceaux of Manchago.
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Good combination malagabob as is cheese and marmite/vegemite
I just wondered how extensive you food combination angst was.

I'll shut up an go away after you warm and cheery greeting. Apologies.
Bob....I recall my first visit to the States, when I was much younger, in 1978. My first breakfast, on that very first morning, was in a Diner in NYC. I looked around and just ordered what everybody else as having.

When the eggs, bacon and pancakes arrived, with the little jug of Maple Syrup, I was amazed when everybody then poured the syrup onto their plates.

Maple syrup...... with fried eggs ?

But, of course, it didn't take very long to become a huge fan of American breakfasts.

I think it was Steinbeck that once said and I am paraphrasing...... " I have never had a good dinner in America, but there again, I have never had a bad breakfast"

Can't argue with that !
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