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Supermarket Sausage

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nicebloke1 | 12:58 Sun 31st Mar 2019 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Its with regret that the investigation into the sausage as had to be abandoned for the time being. The first sausage hit the pan at 8.40am, by 8.43am there were numerous explosions within the pan area, resulting in fragments of unidentified missiles( DNA as yet, not know)
hitting walls and ceiling.

Its pretty obvious before continuing I will need a full asbestos suite and face mask.
You will be glad to hear that I avoided a visit to AE, but due to the horrific remains left in the pan, that I can only describe as a large festering boil, I may need some counselling in the coming weeks.
I know many of you were looking forward to this report on the supermarket sausage, and I'm very sorry! as soon as I recover I will make a second attempt with full protection gear.


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Turn your gas down!! You have to cook them gently, turning occasionally until a golden brown.
I'd check into rehab if I were thee.
Anyway, shouldn't you be roasting that joint of beef!?!!
Damn, I was really looking forward to your denigration of another supermarket product.
Togo - what a wonderfully ambiguous response.
Please try again....I have been holding my breath for this one x
Haha. It was an "instruction" BHG...……….Honest. (^_*)
As you don't appear to be capable yourself, haven't you got a nicewoman who can cook you breakfast?
Yes, togo. Of course :-D
Sharon //Turn your gas down//

Are you suggesting there's too much hot air coming from nicebloke?
If you purchase Jamie Oliver's pack of sausages in the supermarket it has written on the side 'Prick with a Fork' which just about sums him up. :-)
3 minutes to cook a sausage .. Only if you eat them raw !

// a full asbestos suite //

In your lounge?
He's a heavy smoker Baldric...… alleviate the pain of his festering boil. :))
You warned "...some time next week..." we'd suff... read your moans about sausages.

Are you suffering from premature ejulation?
Bhg, //Are you suggesting there's too much hot air coming from nicebloke?//
And love Togo's answer!
Did you get to the end of that word too quickly,
Lie-in-King?.... ;-)
Hands up everyone who had to look the word up - Mamya waves.
Gness - how very dare you! ;-)

Ta Mamya :-)

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