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Troll Post?

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ToraToraTora | 14:27 Fri 04th Feb 2022 | Editor's Blog
43 Answers
I have reported this post as a troll post, though I am aware that what constitutes trolling is subjective. In the post I am insulted for using shorthand.
I don't really mind I just want a level playing field so I can understand what I can do. Normally if I do this sort of thing it is removed and I am often suspended.


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You don’t use shorthand .
Infamy, infamy, they've all.....................
Wait for any reaction to your report.
no you arent - insulted
someone says you are the prime TLA user ( three letter acronym) and I agree.
This cd be verified with a count but I cant personally be arrissed (CPA)
and so what quite honestly

and yes I am frequently fingered by one TTT as an insulter and user of invective ( me! who had done six y at uni!) - slandered, libelled and pasted with words he ain read in the bible
and I CPA about that tooo

it is a hard life out there
Lol !
Akin to the schoolyard bully running to teacher with a bloodied nose !

Why did you feel the need to make a post about a report ?
I submit reports often when it is the gummy bears rubbish
I do not need to virtue signal it every time though

Oh well
It is Friday
Yes, TGIF.
suggesting the Ed hasn't read a thread in the Editor's Blog section - how every insulting! You may be put in detention for the weekend.
I think its very unfair the way all you abers gang up on TTT .
I do think he deserves it....
Typo (Don't)
Never mind, kardeshev is sticking up for you ;-)
Why did you decide to create a post to inform everyone you'd reported it though? Wasn't the report message to the Ed enough, or were you after the extra attention?
Always thought TTT ..meant Tora The Troll.
You'd have been wrong, then Gulliver. TTT isn't a troll.
//Always thought TTT ..meant Tora The Troll.//

Says the person posting on a thread unused for almost a day just to have a pop at the OP.

Define "irony".
Thkweem and thkweem until you're thick Tora, that'll teach 'em.
Your friends are out in force here, TTT. ;o)
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08.50 ,How many hours in a day on the planet that you live on then Mozz ?
The Ed will assess the post on Monday, and act if she feels it is appropriate.

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