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Pieces Of Her

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naomi24 | 10:46 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers

Very watchable - but has it been left open for another series?  It seems so.



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I'd have watched it if it had been on the mainstream channels.

What's it about?

Watch it again and record it on your phone, Naomi 👀

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Finding that for you, rocky, answered my question.  This is Season 1.  I think you might like it.

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barry, ?

Record it on your phone then send me the recordings.

Get a little tripod and rig it up in front of your tv

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Not that I've got your phone number - but you'll have people talking, barry.  :o)


Netflix is very cleap.  Treat yourself.

Thanks, Naomi.

I've got a feeling I've seen it but I'll watch the first episode and see.

If it's what I think it is, it's very good.

I'm cheaper 

There is a sequel book - Girl, Forgotten so I imagine they left it open in case it was picked up  for television. I can't find anything to indicate that is happening though, and Pieces of Her is a couple of years old now.

I've read all the Karin Slaughter books, excellent 

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Pieces Of Her

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