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.... or the xenophobes !

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have you learnt a new word today canary?

And Trump's grandad made his fortune as a brothel keeper.

We can't be blamed for what our ancestors did.

May have learnt a new word, but hasn't learnt what it means.

Agree with Sandy. How does this make any difference to the election?

I’m sure if you were to trace anyone’s ancestry far enough back, you’d find some pretty black-sheep within their family – hardly a reason not to vote for Harris; whereas her opponent is a convicted felon and sex offender.

I know which of the two I’d rather be.

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It must be a bit embarrasing for her. I mean she starts every speech reminding us that she is a "woman of colour" and I'm pretty sure she has done a lot of gobbing off about the slave trade. It turns out that she is part of a slaving dynasty.

Let’s vote for the convicted felon and sex offender then.

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don't have hysterics hymie, it's a long campaign.

One of her female ancestors was a slave.  That woman was likely raped by a plantation owner.  

That doesn't make her a descendant of a slave owning dynasty.

Most blacks in the USA would know what went on in those distant days.

Nothing to be ashamed of there.

No matter how long the campaign, the orange turd will never be able to expunge his criminal and sexual assault record.

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sandyRoe: "One of her female ancestors was a slave.  That woman was likely raped by a plantation owner.  

That doesn't make her a descendant of a slave owning dynasty." - err did you do biology in school? It kinda does.

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Orange turd v Slave Trader - should be fun!

So Kamala Harris has been found to be (or is) trading in slaves – according to TTT.

You're hanging this all on a guy called Stephen McCracken who told the local newspaper, the Ballymoney Chronicle. Call back when you've got something a bit more substantial and a little less self-interested. And even then ... there's an angle that says that a slave-loving relative is the perfect foil to a slave-hating presidential candidate. Much like the fact that my parents loved smoking, and I hated it ... 

A black woman after being raped gives birth to the master's child.    That child doesn't enjoy any of the privileges that it's white half siblings do.

It was born into slavery and if it died before emancipation would never have known freedom

There's a crude phrase in America black slang, 'Motherf*****'.

That's Kamala's link to slave ownership.

This revelation isn't going to harm her campaign.

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I'm not hanging anything on anything, it's all over the Meeja me old china.

Ah, right, meeja ... what meeja?

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you don't know what the meeja is? right oh!

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Kamala Harris Descended From A Slave Owner....oh Dear!

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