Please could someone help, we are travelling to France on Monday, my son has a nut allergy. Please could someone translate from Englsih to French "My child is allergic to nuts. This is a very serious allergy, he may die if given the wrong food. Do your products contain nut ingredients"
Thank you and look forward to VERY serious replies. Andrea
don't trust babelfish! it gives 'mon enfant est allergique aux �crous', which is the wrong kind of nut; the sort that goes with a bolt. You have some reasonable answers in this question's other appartition.
Mon fils est allergique aux noix.
C'est une allergie tr�s grave. S'il en mange il y a de fortes chances qu'il en mourra.
Est-ce que vos produits contiennent des ingr�dients � base de noix ?
Andrea I know it's not the same condition but I have something called an epilepsy passport, produced by the maker of my drugs firm. It's a small book with typical questions/requests/answers in all the European languages. It may be worth trying to get hold of something similar if your son is taking any medication. I don't know if such a thing exists for his condition, but you never know, you can only ask. This is a longer-term suggestion as I know you're in France now. Hope all goes well!