(in other words, "if this patient becomes unconscious, don't bother trying to save them because they are already old and we want to let them die because we can't be bothered to spend the money on treatment for them and we need the bed cleared for a new patient") It used to be written on some patients' notes as a matter of routine until people discovered about what it meant, and there was a huge uproar. So it is not as common now as it used to be.
If you find this written on notes, kick up a stink. ANY decision on which treatments to give a patient in any circumstances must be fully recorded and for this kind of serious decision, there should be evidence that there has been discussion with the patient. Family members views should only be taken into consideration if the patient is not capable of expressing a decision and then the views should only be about what the family believe that the patient would want or has expressed an opinion on, NOT what they want.
did you realise that some people request this? more often than not they have a choice. by the way did you all know that nacihc means not a cat in hell's chance?!