Good morning all, I know it's an early start - a case of getting in while the going's good !!
A very quiet night in the Shrubbery - might have been cold and wet and the pub's out of grog ??? I know that Aquagility has lent Strix his plastic ducks which would account for his absence, but where was everyone else - I guess Sir Sarumite is dreaming up very convoluted matches for MM Links - taken a leaf out of Kate's book - oh heaven help us all then !!!
Well, starting from the beginning as it were - one of the early rising crew will some time later post the link words from this morning's paper, plus their own selections, for the rest to tackle - will we have a repeat of last week when two managed to make four perfect matches - we can only hope !!
Remembering that there are almost no rules on KM Links re word lengths, the game will continue till Monday morning and close with the posting of the Monday matches, when I actually have to do some work instead of just fooling around in the background.
Everyone is welcome, so please try your hand or better still, your grey matter and see how you fare.
Will return shortly for lift-off - am presently doing the washing, which makes no sense as rain is teaming down - not complaining though, it's still desparately needed for our poor River Murray.....why is it that pollies just talk and don't do !!!!....Oooo, get off your soapbox !!
Right, that's my bit, for a bit ......I will be back S
G'day Steff. Have no fear, I am here - for this week at least. And although my rubber ducks (not plastic, note) have all washed away, at least I have Kates links for you.