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this is the ...old

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Joy11 | 18:18 Wed 13th May 2009 | ChatterBank
128 Answers
me, back,,, got to be meek and mild and somewhat subservient,,,,sniff
No future little gems from me, and will speak when spoken to incase my kids disown me.
I shall refrain from being too Bold also

Yea right !...LOL


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Joy, just be yourself and don't let yourself be dictated to !!!!!

Just pretend your grandmother's maiden aunt is reading your posts.
Meek and mild is not always better...

A Korma may be tasty... but its a Vindaloo that gets the blood boiling...

(wtf am I talking about?!)
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It has actually upset me that , what I took to be a joke, has gone so horribly wrong,
I probably will leave the site altogether after such a stinging attack from whiffey
wtf is he ^ talking about?
I haven't read that thread - I read the first few words of your post and didn't go any further.

But how on earth could you allow yourself to be upset by words on a screen by people you don't know and who don't matter to you?

ok then Joy .........chop chop off you go.

did you know i left this afternoon?
Yeah... someone please tell me too when you've figured it out...
Joy - is'nt it predictable - what did I say about the 'old pals' club - I guess they are feeling a little left out, can't deal with 'grown up' posts. Still its coming up to the witching hour soon - then they have the floor to talk utter senseless rubbish.

What plonkers !!"
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he's talking about the little gem joke I posted, says it's smut and my kids should see it so they can be proud of their Mums smut !
I will say here and now, if I offended anyone ,,then I am sorry
Onion Bhaji anyone?
Upset you did I Joy? Nothing personal obviously, but don't play the hurt upset card.

"Stinging attack"?


Well, it is a smutty joke, isn't it? I've read the whole joke now to see what the kerfuffle is about.
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cheers DEN, I think you are right, funny tho', I'm leaving the site for telling a joke,,,
I would have liked to have kept in touch with you and a few others,,,so it is a shame
Joy, don't take any notice of the stick you get on here. I have seen a lot worse than your joke on here and nobody has said anything. I used to get upset sometimes at the sniping until I realised it is a bloody website!! Who cares what people think. If they don't like it, don't use the site.

You just be yourself love.
I agree with Ethel.......the number of times that I have been insulted on AB, by people that know very liitle about a subject is many. I am a sensitive guy and have felt like you do now, many times.

C'mon Joy.....clear off, have a good moan and be yourself tomorrow...LOL
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whiffey, go to hell ...purleaseeeeeeee
Joy, you really shouldn't have started another thread about it - you're just continuing the argument.
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I find this incredible....haven't you all seen worse than this ????
Yes, that's why I'm so surprised you're so upset and hurt enough to start a thread about it.

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