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Are you superstitious?

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Charisse | 20:26 Sun 17th May 2009 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
I do not hold with all the hokum of astrology but find myself saluting a single magpie!

Does anybody else do this?

It is probably more to do with habit (my nan used to do it) than superstition but I still avoid walking under ladders too.



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I can remember my nan saying 'don't put new shoes on the table' its unlucky. She would also never have birds (feathered ones !) in the house, not even pictures of them.

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Yes the new shoes on the table is a no no for me as well!
Charisse - I was always told with the magpies - if you see one its bad luck, but if you see a pair its good luck - not sure what happens if you see 3 !!
Hello Charisse hun , my sis always says " Hello Mr Magpie hope your family's well "
Hi DEN , my mother used to say not to put new shoes on the table too .
Den ........1 for sorrow , 2 for joy , 3 for a girl , and 4 for a boy
Oh and 5 for silver , 6 for gold , 7 for a secret never to be told .
Hi Bigmamma - I remember that saying too - also another one - don't walk on the cracks in the pavement. Though thats hard in our street - we have more cracks than pavement !!!!

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I was taught to say "Hello mister magpie where is mrs magpie?"

I need to go as I have smashed a mirror as I tripped over a black cat and spilled some salt!

Oh deary me ;0]
Oh gosh Den yes , I used to make sure , as a child , that I didn't step on any cracks in the pavements , must have looked a tad stupid at times I guess
I'm not superstitious, i even flew back from Germany on a Friday the 13th of December during a bad snow storm
Aint Superstitious-Yardbirds
Its a wonder we were all not in therapy as children ,Bigmamma - ha ha ha

Oh yes, Charrise -the broken mirror one - I can remember as a kid breaking the mirror on my Sindy dressing table (though it was'nt a real mirror) I was really upset.
I have just thought of another one - my Mum used to say don't tap your knife on the table when eating, as it would tap your Dad out of work.
I'm not worried about a Friday the 13th either steg , though I hasten to add that it was indeed Friday 13th March 09 when the doctor gave me my bad news !
when i see a Magpie i think to myself

i can't believe some silly tw@ts say hello mr Magpie where is mrs magpie?
and then salute the bleeding things ..........ffs get a grip.
Ha Ha Ha - Don't you just love 'elth and safety' squitty. !!

If 'dont walk under ladders' is redundant then we should have another one to replace it.

Dont look at your reflection in shop windows while driving.
dont stir with a knife as you will stir up strife ,touch wood, i do them all
I thought that the 'offiicial' salutation is; Good Morning, King Magpie........and how is your Queen ?, but, the workaday version is 'Morning Mr Magpie, how's the wife ?......
did you really?
how interesting.

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