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what is the latin translation of

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mollyhc | 20:42 Mon 13th Dec 2004 | Phrases & Sayings
3 Answers
 "in life as in death"


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Well, I passed my Latin "O" level in 1978, so as you can tell, my Latin is both high level and up to date, but I think it is: SICUT IN VITA ET IN MORTE.

I am open to correction!

Actually, thinking about it, I think it's more likely to be SICUT IN MORTE ET IN VITA (as it is in death, so it is in life).  I think I probably got it round the wrong way before (didn't read the sentence properly).  Still open to correction.

Well I got my latin in 1966 - AD that is!

I got 98% in my latin unseen translation - I dont often tell people that.

We need a Latinist really.

Choc clare is right! 10/10

I was thinking..... vita sicut morte

ablatives only.....but that could be wrong

morte sicut vita is two dactyls (blackberry blackberry)

but you know ya gotta get the grammar right before the twiddly bits


hope this helps   (hahahaha)

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