And there are people who think the fruit is 'an orange, 'marquee' is singular, the plural being ' marquees', a person's best skill or subject is his 'forte' pronounced 'for-tay' or 'forty'..Where will it all end?
We must watch out,lest more errors become accepted' !
An orange ' comes to us from Arabic 'naranj' hence Spanish 'naranja' but we mucked that up, as did the French before us,many centuries ago. However, the others are genuine and more subtle. The word is 'marquise' but in the C17 somebody ignorantly assumed it was a plural word, a plural of something which could be spelt 'marquee'.'Marquise' is now rare or obsolete as a word for a tent,or a canopy over the entrance to a theatre [ an American usage]. And 'forte' meaning a strength is an imported French word and should, strictly, be pronounced 'fort' (as it was, formerly and alternatively, spelt) but the music 'forte' is Italian and is, indeed,pronounced like 'for-tay or 'forty'', in English.Of course, the 'wrong' pronunciation is now quite accepted !.