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how many fingers do you use ?

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joggerjayne | 19:31 Thu 07th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
As we watch each other's posts appearing ...

How many of us can type ?

Or do you use two fingers ?


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100 plus a minute - once you learn it you dont lose it !
I can type with 8 fingers and use thumbs for space bar ect
8 (and 2 thumbs)
I use 6 fingers and if i'm typing fast, my thumbs aswell for the space bar.
Pericat has got a lot of fingers!!!
I can touch type, so 8 fingers and my right thumb.

Love the question title btw. ;-)))
i'm an expert at 1 finger typing
Mavis Beacon taught me to touch type many years ago...
i use two fingers,

But that's far too much information.
lol chuck - I am all fingers and thumbs at times
My dad types excrutinatingly slowly, with two fingers. If he's at the computer and he's showing me something and he has to type, i only let him do it if there's less than five characters, else i get bored, go away, have a cuppa and come back, just as he's finishing.
aww I remember mavis beacon :)
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We are a nimble fingered bunch (most of us) ... aren't we !
Jonathan Woss........Just two !...x
I use me toes whilst I'm making a cuppa tea! ;o}
I touch type with all 10 fingers very quickly (or I did, which explains so much of my typographical stuff)
i use a pen
Now first of all, I would like to say that I'm no secretary and that I try not to make any mistooks!!
Ahem..sorry about that!
Seriously though, I don't think I will be good as a secretary,because I do tend to make mistakes and I am always going back to rectify them,especially when I miss the blooming Space bar all the time.
I do tend to miss the Space bar,and have to go back to put it right.....aaaaaghhh!!
I've made a few mistakes when typing this comment in.
So,I will be NO good at all!!
But to answer the threaded question,I tend to use both hands,and I can type like this for a while.
I have to watch where I am typing,and cannot look at the screen and type at the same time.I usually look at the keyboard and correct any mistakes after.I used to use two fingers,but not anymore!

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how many fingers do you use ?

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