Body & Soul6 mins ago
OK, when you see something like this, what does it mean
2 Answers
O8 - Extra context menu item: Translate into English - res://c:\program files\google\GoogleToolbar1.dll/cmtrans.html.
I would like to know what the RES:// stands for.
I know what the rest of it means, its just the " res:// " that i dont know
I would like to know what the RES:// stands for.
I know what the rest of it means, its just the " res:// " that i dont know
The URIs you may usually encounter begin http://
res:// specifies a resource such as a local file on the host machine,
13:07 Fri 25th Jun 2010
The URIs you may usually encounter begin http://
res:// specifies a resource such as a local file on the host machine,
res:// specifies a resource such as a local file on the host machine,