hi, since i was pregnant i have had a swollen.painful leg, which got worse after my hip replacement. The GP has recommended a support stocking which is fine, but owing to arthritis in my hands i will have a lot of trouble putting it on. i have been looking at gadgets that will help with this.
Does anyone have experience of them? The one im looking at is a frame but as it's 30 quid, i would like to know it's going to work first.
I don't think I've seen anything like that. When I had my hip done they gave me a plastic device with long cords attached to help me put my socks and stockings on. Once I got the hang of it it was quite useful. Mine was on loan from the hospital, but they can be bought. I think it was Kleeneze or Bettawear that sold them. Or ask at your GP's surgery if they can help, support stockings are bad enough to get on without the arthritis..
The 'l' which should have been at the end of AYG's link seems to have got lost and appeared at beginning of it. Here (I assume) is what it should be:
hi, thanks for all the answers. Unfortunately AYG, that would be tricky with a compression stocking, it needs to be more strurdy - i think that one would be too flexible as compression stockings are tight
Out of curiosity, Bednobs, I've just put 'square crutch' into Google but it substituted 'square crotch' instead. I don't think that I want to go any further!
Back to the drawing board jaydah.
The elbow crutches were great, but as you say they always rolled away when you put them aside. I also had a grabber to pick things up with, I keep wishing I had kept that back when I sent all the things back to the hospital.