Crosswords40 mins ago
Word Origins
Can somebody tell me what is the correct UK English spelling of Dispatch is? My friend says it is Despatch and they are both in the dictionary. Why why why?
what is this
In Europe when the word " number " is abbreviated they write Nr. which makes good sense as both letters are in the word. But we would write No. as in No. 28 North street. Why the the letter "o" .
Im fourteen. I have theses red and white patches on my arms. They dont itch. When i scratch them they kinda flake like dandruff. They look somewhat and feel like goosebumps. They never burn or...
This seems to me to be a recent addition to our sporting lexicon. It seems to mean 'a football player who is top-class, and, if signed for our team, will put bums on seats.' I have a feeling, however,...
word... beginning with F i think.. to mean feeling at ease or at home in an alien place. like how some people feel like they can fit in, in new cities like new york, because theres so much going on......
The slang term semi lobon of semi lob on! Ok I know what it means, but where does this saying come from! What is a lobon / lob on? Can't find the origin of this saying anywhere!
What does the word "nounded" mean
I've just learned that a 'SWEATY / JOCK" is a Scottish person; I've heard a Welsh persons referred to as "TAFFY; Irish as "PADDY/ MICK". What is the equivalent term for an English person ? And do...
what is the name of a dance that is derived from the portuguese for new voice. i have tried a potuguese dictionary but can,t come up with a relevant answer.hope you can help. tony
what does eeny meeny miny mo actually mean and where does the rhyme originate from?
how did wales get its name? what does it mean?
My gran used to use this expression to indicate that someone (usually me!) was acting above their station. Does anyone have any idea as to it's origin. Google and Yahoo think I am referring to items...
My wife (who grew up in Yorkshire in the 1950s and 1960s) uses the word "smitch" (or possibly "smich") to describe the atmosphere in a kitchen resulting from burnt food. It describes the combination...
Which is the correct spelling? Extension or Extention
What is your interpretation of this saying? Is it accusative if something is missing and you are being asked?
And why would you not just use the word consecutive?
Why, when someone dies in a car accident or similar, are they PRONOUNCED dead? Wouldn't it make more sense to say declared dead?
What is the origin of the word hoare in Hoare Frost?
What is the word for the speech at a funeral which describes the dead person. I have used the words, Oration, Peroration, Apostrophe, but I think there is another word with exactly defines the last...