that you find hard to spell or worse say. I fall at the first hurdle of unequivocal, for reasons i can't explain, it comes out jumbled, and now i have to put it aside, or find an alternative. Indubitably is another tongue twister. any you care to share?
conscientious by the way, but i have mastered some words that seemed impossible, only to fall over on the simplest thing. Its not so much the spelling but saying it, tongue and brain just do not seem to engage.
hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - I'm fine with these words, it's the every day ones that I have to think about ( at times)
for example.. necessary - I can't just write it, I have to remind myself 'how to' otherwise it comes out as a holdall for loch ness monster - a nesecarry!
And desserts/deserts - I remind myself that 'desserts' is 'stressed' backwards - if I'm stressed, I turn to desserts!!
The English language certainly throws up some oddities, i mean how you get Fanshawe, out of Featherstonhaugh, i will never know, and Cholmondeley, that comes out as Chumley i think, bizarre.
i think the English language is fascinating, another word that i often get wrong, i tried to spell fuchsia, for the crossword, and got that in a muddle. I have a decent dictionary, but if you can't spell it, how can you look it up.
solemnly, can not say that word if my life depended on it. Luckily it doesn't crop up often, my wedding and now are the only two occasions ive said it, the latter was said in my head, im not a lunatic!
auspicious and anesthetist, I really used to struggle saying the last one. That was until I worked for an anesthetist, and people kept asking me who I worked for.