that you find hard to spell or worse say. I fall at the first hurdle of unequivocal, for reasons i can't explain, it comes out jumbled, and now i have to put it aside, or find an alternative. Indubitably is another tongue twister. any you care to share?
Some good tips for spelling came from one of our teachers re some that have been mentioned.
Accommodation (think double room with a double bed) ie 2 x cc's and 2 x mm's.
Stationery (is paper/envelopes etc and is spelt with an E as in LEttEr
Stationary (is not moving) and is spelt with an A as in CAr.
mike indeed, another one is mississippi, we leant that by saying it over and over. Not that it has any particular use, but its stuck in my memory.
i still couldn't spell dia ..... it never looks right.
Mike11111 mine stopped at, "i hate school i want to earn my own money", well we live and we learn, classical education won't necessarily make you bright, clever, or have any common sense. Many academics i have known, couldn't tie their shoelaces but could probably spell Diarrhoea.
just noticed you have inserted an extra "ch" into both your first and "corrected" spellings of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllanty
between "..gyll" and "goger..."
No wonder 2shortplanks has trouble with 'burgulary' - there's no such word. It's 'burglary'. There is the verb 'to burgle', so there is no need for the hideous Americanism 'to burglarise'.
Also, em10 got 'squirrels' wrong.
If I have trouble with a word, I look it up in a dictionary. There are very few words where you don't know the first few letters.
Bert if i am in the middle of the supermarket, unlikely to have my chambers dictionary with me, or sitting in the park doing c/w, but there are so many easy words that trip you up, this thread was so long ago, that i had forgotten all about it, but glad you are on the ball.