19 Across Nice sauce fully available a short time ago (4, 3) JUSTO_ _ 1 Down Proportion about right, that's the headgear for a cardinal (7, 3) SCARLET_A_ Is this CAP or HAT? 5 DOWN Remove head on...
Sorry, Doing my head in tonight. Any help would be appreciated. 15D.Always happening 9 letters. I have ?O?T?R???. 19 Down. At ease. 7 letters. ?L?I???. 23Down Food store. 6 Letters E?T???. Many...
4. This Pompey bun-boat woman proclaimed that she was dear little and sweet little?
7. Did Queen tell us about a bicycle,chariot,Formula 1 or dragster racer?...
grid 2. 15d. spirit. 6 letters m - t - - -
21a. response. 5 letters. - e - - -
grid 3 19d. was profitable 4 letters. - a - d
23a. scourge. 4 letters. - l - y
thanks in anticipation....
10a, United embraced by supporter, innovative type (7) P?O?E??
12a, A group of players picked for lack of inhibition (7) A?A?D??
15a, Piece of play witnesed by spectators, say (5) S?E??...