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peter164 | 22:01 Sun 20th Nov 2011 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Stuck on quite a few if you can help.
Appropriate whilst in transit (6) ?????K.
Tenth speaker in orchestral composition (8) ?????R?O (maybe ORATORIO).
Pastor replaced de-icer that had been punctured (7) ?????E?.
Incredibly fanciful (9) ?????S??C (maybe FANTASTIC).
Speed up old exercises said in French using energy (8) E?P?????.
Too particular about French resort (8) O?E?????.
It's remarkably excellent to have buzz hesitantly encompassing sound of bell (9) H??????E?.
Not a tear-off label (7) ?????E?.


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2 yes oratorio - Orator + 10
3 pierced - deicer+ P for pastor
4 yes fantastic looks good
5 expedite ?
Yes, orator 10.
Speed up........Expedite
last one - sticker ?

(It does help if you number the clues, next time!)
Hum ding er
Question Author
Fantastic, so quick, thanks a lot.

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