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Groupie | 17:55 Mon 06th Feb 2012 | Crosswords
5 Answers
My missus was doing a crossword and was really struggling so I had a look to see where she'd gone wrong...

1 down was a 5 letter word and the clue was "Eggs on."...

Correct answer "Goads"

Her answer: "Toast"


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Many years ago, my mum's neighbour's son used to think he was the bee's knees at cryptic crosswords. One day, I happened to be in their house and picked up a crossword that he'd been working on. One of the (not very cryptic) clues was "Hardy's doubting companion (6)" - he'd written LAUREL. Still makes me laugh nearly 30 years later...
18:07 Mon 06th Feb 2012
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seems perfectly logical to me ????
Was going to have giraffe knee caps on toast for tea...but....damn...right out of bread !!!!!
Many years ago, my mum's neighbour's son used to think he was the bee's knees at cryptic crosswords. One day, I happened to be in their house and picked up a crossword that he'd been working on. One of the (not very cryptic) clues was "Hardy's doubting companion (6)" - he'd written LAUREL. Still makes me laugh nearly 30 years later...

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