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Crusader. 7.2.13

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Scothern 20 | 20:34 Thu 07th Feb 2013 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Crusader 7.2.13.
7 down. Graph show city having a new fraud. 9 letters.
9 down. Liaison with strangr at school matters abroad. 2 words of 7 and 7.
16 down. Playing darts led to a noncommittal attitude. 8 letter Thanks in advance.


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7d Charlatan
any letters so far, to help us?
9d Foreign Affairs
16d Straddle? (anag of darts led)
Please confirm number of letters for 16 down
If straddle is correct you meant 18 down - not 16
Question Author
Thank you to all concerned. Barrie

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Crusader. 7.2.13

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