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petal54 | 00:55 Sat 16th Feb 2013 | Crosswords
12 Answers
'let it be'introduces conflict in royal house.s-e-a-t
thank you


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Ste war t
Looks like Stewart, petal, but I don't see why...
Calibax has explained, thanks.
Question Author
many thanks to all,,how are you Ladya?well now I hope
Fine , thanks , petal. Just a bit busy so not able to get on as much.
Hope you are well?
Question Author
I'm fine,awaiting news on arrival of 3rd grand child(in Oz)
You lucky thing!
Hope all goes well.
green with envy here.
Question Author
trying to save up to visit,were there 2 + years ago for wedding,which is barely paid for!
It's a very long way away....
I'm sure you'll get there, though and it will be worth it.
Question Author
sure thing!

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