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Bella28 | 14:32 Thu 02nd Jan 2014 | Crosswords
12 Answers
7d longing for jazzy T-shirt (6) is it thirst
2d smelly solvent destroys path n New Hampshire area (7) is it naphtha
5d in restaurant the soap is awful (7)
17a cost of soft cereal (5)
Thanks for any help


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7 Yes (anagram)
17 P rice
5 Teashop
17a Price
7d.Yes, anagram of t shirt
2d.Yes anagram of path in NH +a.
17a.P rice
2 Naphtha looks OK
Question Author
Thanks emeritus ,dannyk & williaj
I had put stumble for 10a quiet stroll or unsteady walk . Thrown all my answers out . S?a?b?e any ideas thanks
Question Author
Thanks dannyk & factor-fiction
Question Author
& Wharton

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