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Lost Parrot.

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divegirl | 08:41 Sun 18th May 2014 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers
Not my bird but a friend of mine :(

This is a very young bird who has been missing for almost two days and will not be doing well out in this heat on his own. If anyone in or near London [Haringey] could take the time to share this link on their Facebook I will be eternally grateful.

Lisa x


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09:45 Sun 18th May 2014
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Has the bird been found? It must be scared out there with all those vicious pigeons and other 'street-wise' birds.

I lost a budgie when I was about 8. When I was about 16 my mum confessed that it had died. I could have coped with it dying but I used to worry about how it was doing out in the wild.

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