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Spectator 2177

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djawhufc | 06:01 Thu 28th Aug 2014 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Hi all

Columba with a puzzle that looks like a bit of a workout.




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Thanks Daniel - quite tricky, but just spotted the artist (not easy) so the rest will hopefully be a quick fill.
Thanks as ever Daniel.

Very topical theme.
Thanks Daniel, a very topical one.
Apologies, just spotted that K said the same. Also just noticed that I haven't found the hidden work yet.
Got it now.
Given the very topical nature of this offering, do you think Columba compiled this in the last few days? If so, wow!
Wow, indeed!
Thanks Daniel.
Have finished it but not sure of parsing for two. Please explain.

8D. Delightful person performing in dance (5) HONEY? One in HY?

33D. Foot starts to climb (5) SERIF?

Thanks in advance.
0n ( = performing ) in hey ( a type of dance
Fires ( = starts ) climbing, i.e reversed.
Thanks, novalis.

Never heard of a dance called hey.

Should have checked synonyms for fire. "The engine fired".

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Spectator 2177

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