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A Winter's Tale Quiz

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sportingdog | 19:42 Thu 08th Jan 2015 | Crosswords
17 Answers
What keeps you warm in the middle?
What moves car forward?
Ladies led gesture?


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central heating
19:49 Thu 08th Jan 2015
1 waistcoat??
ladieS LED
Can you give us an example of another question and answer, please?
2 s car f
moveS CAR Forward
Question Author
Sorry I should have indicated number of letters. Apologies as my first time here. 1. 7 & 7 letters. 2. 5 letters 3. 6 letters
central heating
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Still need help with:
Gets lots of veg every Sunday. 6 letters
A country. 6 letters
Are these Judy's? 8 letters
Country- TURKEY
Country.. Turkey
PUNCHES (sounds like Punch's)
G l o v e s
Punches is 7 not 8 though so maybe it's wrong
Are these Judy's? Garlands
Question Author
Catch a ring of love songs.
Rodents swallow a tree.

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A Winter's Tale Quiz

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