They have a really good offer at the moment. If you belong to the mail rewards club there is on offer a pack containing 6 main meals and 6 soups meaning you have the food for 3 weeks of the 5.2 diet. Normal price £36 but reward club members get it for £18 including postage. Got mine yesterday, good variety. There is the option of vegetarian or not. It also does not cost you any mail points.
I am sorry if this offends, but I think all diets are a waste of time. This latest faddy diet is just an excuse to part gullible punters from their money
The trick to losing weight is to eat less and exercise more
Also.... why don't you just follow the 5:2 diets with the normal food you'd eat every day, and which is permitted in the diet. Are these 6 packs for the 2 diet days?
You'll have to let us know how you get on with it, Caran. My sis is trying it (but not the ready-prepared meals) and is feeling pleased with herself...she's doing well.