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Bozzer | 14:50 Mon 02nd Mar 2015 | Crosswords
8 Answers
18 down Jumper that's rank becoming more rank. (7)

8 have RO-T--R

And 30 across might then become clear and I will have finished



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18 Rootier - Roo/jumper and tier/rank/row.
Question Author
Thank you. I thought it must be but it is not in chambers unless I am looking in the wrong place. I think this gives Ariel for 30 across. And how do you parse "Rootle" for 9 down "Footballer could get flab with this grub".
Rootle - ( to gub) anagram of footballer - flab
sorry to grub not gub
Question Author
Ah! Thank you very much. And found "rooty" in Chambers so suppose rootier is the comparative.
The word 'rootier' is actually in Chambers (under 'root'). It can mean 'rank' as well as the more usual 'abounding in, consisting of, or like roots.'
Question Author
Thank you. I have the 1998 edition and can find rooty meaning rank but not rootier. Do I need a newer edition (or am I blind?).
Sorry, Bozzer - it's my misreading of the dictionary that's at fault! Your 'rooty' and suggestion of 'rootier' as the comparative was right - I'd just zoomed in on 'rootier' actually being shown in my dictionary.

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