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cliffsdoll | 22:34 Mon 12th Sep 2005 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers

pigs eat slops left over from school dinners

schools have sausage on the menu

kids sometimes waste sausages they end up at the farm for the pigs,  with me so far?

pigs eat the  slops.

does this mean pigs are cannibals



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I suggest you find the owner of the aforementioned pigs, and report him, because feeding swill is now illegal following the F&M outbreak of 2001.
Pigs do eat meat, including other pigs if they're handy, as will many other meat eating species. I wouldn't call it cannibalism, though -- that word is really only relevant to humans, who are fussier than other omnivores about where their meat comes from.
pigs are omnivores..

Eels is quite right, it is now illegal to feed pigs 'swill'. Though this is a knee-jerk and wholly unnecessary reaction to the last Foot & Mouth outbreak, since man has been feeding domesticated swine his food waste for thousands of years.

The more worrying practice was that up until fairly recently, both the carcasses of animals that died before slaughter, and meat unfit for human consumption, were routinely ground up and incorporated into commercial cattle feed, chicken feed, pig pellets etc.

It took the BSE crisis and Foot & Mouth for a re-examination of this practice to take place, resulting in greater controls on what animal-derived products can now go into feedstuffs for animals raised for human consumption.

* * *

"Healthy livestock so we can eat,
Human flesh is porky meat.
Heeeeee heeeeeeeeeee"

'Meninblack' by The Stranglers

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