Help please
is 14 down stovepipe? (9) crushed seed found at bottom of flue or chimney S???E???E
also 16 across ??L?R???S Scream from audience mostly welcoming Irish boxer back
Para 4 says " 4. If you want to post a follow-up such as a thank you for any assistance you have received, please do so in the same thread - do not start a separate thread for this."
I totaly agree with paragrapgh 4.
What CraztOtto and I are talking about is adding on new clues or giving unrequested answers on tehs ame thread
I think we are at cross purposes. i think dannyk13 may have assumed Loin was teh OP. I doubt danny is suggesting just one AB thread per day per crossword
Thanks for clarifying, dannyk13.
We were suggesting that someone tagging on separate points such as "P.r.e...l poison ?" can just lead to confusion for those who don't have the paper