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Jumbo Cryptic 1203

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asj49 | 11:57 Sun 24th Apr 2016 | Crosswords
15 Answers
Bit of a stinker this week. Have problems with three:
2d. Veteran warrior avoiding shell (5) O?D??
15a. Ended with winner being struck too hard (7) O???H?T
24d. Number plate rumpus to develop afresh (6) R?G?O?
Any help greatly appreciated.


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24 Regrow - Reg+Row.
2d (s)Oldie(r)
15a Over-hit
24d Yes, 'Reg(istration)-row'
15 overhit?
2d (s)oldie(r)
15a overhit
24d yes
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Many thanks everyone.
I found this a really tough one! And there's still one I can't unravel.
" Cannot bear, eg,being stood up regularly in Scottish town." 6 letters and I have ?r?t?a. But I cannot work out the missing three! Also SWMBO is getting annoyed that I am spending so much time on it.
Please help!
Gretna , odd letters backwards in - Cannot bear, eg
Hi Steven, hope you & yours are well?

27d Gretna - up, in "cAnNoT bEaR eG"
Gretna,Scottish town, reversed in clue.
Apologies, I missed "regularly" from the parse
... and so did I.
Thank you all so much. As ever, when you explain it to me it is SO obvious. But I really couldn't get it.
And, to be honest, I can't see the full logic of miaowed at 4 ac. I see the ow and the de back but not the rest. But SWMBO is getting twitchy!
We are both well thank you Lie-in King. You may have seen that Mamyalynne gave me some wise advice which i accepted and followed and all is well now
Miaowed - 'ow' (in) 'de' ("of", French) + 'aim' (train) (both back)

Glad you're well - Mamya's advice is usually sound :-)
Thank you sir

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Jumbo Cryptic 1203

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