Could someone help me with this clue please? " last to keep fighting endlessly? Not true." I have f?c?i?n?l. So the answer seems to be " fictional which fits with " not true". But I don't get the rest. Help please!
Thank you. Your answers came through as I was sending off my last message. Thank you both.
And,yes, I am pretty good thank you Lie-in King. I am always pleased when you guide me. Term is to all intents and purposes over as exams are done ( OK, I think). So now Summer can begin!
Well done on the exams & good luck with your results!
Watch out, SWMBOs are renowned for finding "little jobs to do in the garden" & other such activities in summer - a good hiding place should be recce'd in advance... ;-)
Thanks for the advice Lie-in King! I am hoping that when term officially ends I might be allowed to get a job as a shelf stacker or something like that. Then i can make a small contribution to the family finances and also have a bit of money of my own instead of having to ask for some.
And i am the one who should really apologise to agsurfer. Sorry!
Perhaps give Steven a while and ha may start a thread of his own to explain, save agsurfer's inbox getting full if they are subscribed to their thread.