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depresion | 16:59 Sun 01st Jan 2017 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Struggling with 1d - Men on e.g. kitchen duty, bore before special do (12, 2 words) - something party, but which? Thanks.


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Do you have any letters and spacing ?
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I have ?A?????party (probably).
Jankers party
In the British Armed Services, jankers or Restrictions of Privileges is an official punishment for a minor breach of discipline, as opposed to the more severe punishment of "detention" which would be given for a man committing a more serious or criminal offence.
bore before-----
A form of military punishment which involves being confined to barracks, performing tedious and often pointless ...
Question Author
Thank you - my education is clearly sadly lacking!
My father was a RSM so a lot of military phrases stuck.
Fatigue party?
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Thanks for all your help on this one, but I think I may have to admit defeat!
I wasn't sure before, but fatigue party fits the crossers

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