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Not A Crossword Question As Such.....

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SuperHanz | 13:14 Sat 28th Jan 2017 | Crosswords
49 Answers
But does anybody else think that some people give up rather easily?,going by the times that people post makes me wonder,personally I'd give it at least 24 hours before conceding defeat.....each to their own I suppose


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Chat is fine on a crossword related thread as it's contained and is still only one thread on the page.

Re asking early, many are asked and answered before I'm up most days.

We're all different in our approach and thank heavens for that.
I do the opposite, Ubasses , and always try to leave a parse. Several posters on the forum helped me tremendously when I started and I try to do the same for others . It also reinforces in my mind the variety of ways to arrive at an answer. On the subject of people helping I do hope you change your mind and join the new site Danny.
Lots of people enjoy answering crossword clues on here SuperHanz, so please don't encourage the supply to dry up ;-)

P.S. Yes, some do go OTT a bit.
I cannot remember the title, but Ruth Rendell wrote a short story about crosswords. In the plot the husband effortlessly completes the Times crossword each day, much to the admiration of his wife. However he never does the Saturday crossword. She eventually discovers that he waits for the following day's paper with the solution to fill in the grid. He couldn't do that with Saturday's as the solution is printed a week later. Realising he had been found out he kills her. You need to read the actual story to get the atmosphere.

I think you misunderstand Xword Guidelines Danny, Re. Chat threads.
OK, sorry Balders.
Are you not in danger of chatting on a crossword page yourself, Baldric ?
When I started cryptic crosswords Donny, there was no internet,just had a dictionary and a thesaurus and the elation I felt when I got the answer and realised how the clue worked made my day.
As you say there is no right or wrong way, we are here to help and hopefully that is what we do. Just wish we had faster broadband, most are answered before they show in latest posts on my laptop.
One Across, Two Down by Ruth Rendell , a good read as always.
Thank you Mamya. The title had totally escaped me.
I agree with you Ubasses about use of books which was he only help I had when I started some sixty odd years ago.Even now I still find reference books helpful.
I agree ubasses that's how I used to do it - a decent dictionary, thesaurus and the Oxford book of quotations. Poring through those increased my knowledge considerably. It's just not the same to be given the answer on a plate.
It is at its simplist a game for two players, you and the setter. But I still like to help others.
Most people on here are helpful, and I know it is not obligatory but it is very satisfying when thanks are expressed.
I started doing the Guardian crossword when I was at college, all those years ago. You would think that, by now, I would be better at them. :-)

I still tend to use the old fashioned method of reference books, notebook and pencil. I get more satisfaction fro that than googling or using an anagram solver. I still have at least a dozen to do of today's Guardian cryptic. I'm finding it a bit difficult today.
Whatever rocks your boat Tilly :-)
I like chewing the ends of pencils. :-)

Donny, just seen your post @ 1824, does not really warrant a reply does it?
Love my reference books, the internet is great but will never part with my books.
Nor me Lynne, all six shelves of them.

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