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Not A Crossword Question As Such.....

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SuperHanz | 12:14 Sat 28th Jan 2017 | Crosswords
49 Answers
But does anybody else think that some people give up rather easily?,going by the times that people post makes me wonder,personally I'd give it at least 24 hours before conceding defeat.....each to their own I suppose


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Many people want to "finish" the crossword there and then rather than wait a day or two. probably want to put that one to bed before getting started on another, unlike me who can often have 4 or 5 on the go!
The Guardian cryptic defeats me very easily. Even when I look at to see how the answers are complied, I'm flummoxed.
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Ive found on many an occasion,that after having a break,I've found the answer to a question I've been stuck on
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I agree jennykenny,but I mean on a crossword that you do often and are comfortable with
Totally agree, SuperHanz, that a break really does help when returning later, happens regularly to me
I used to do the Telegraph cryptic (and yes, would often take name a few days) but got pretty good at it, she said modestly, which is why I switched to the Guardian. Thought it might be a bit more of a challenge. It was.
Jenny, if you want something a bit harder why not try the Toughie in the Tekagraph.
or Telegraph even ^^^

///Not A Crossword Question As Such/// then why put a 'Chat' question in Xwords where it's just annoying.
To be fair the question does refer to crosswords Balders
.....and would probably seem to be quite boring to those in chatterbank.
I agree with the OP's sentiments. When someone posts 5 clues at 6/7 am with the apologetic 'Sorry,no letters', one wonders why they bother.
I have been known to write a clue down and carry it with me until I crack it. Its the reason most of us do them as hard as we can manage.

I dislike Chat Threads in Xwords & Q & P, but that is just my opinion.
Of late I have ignored requests for answers when a dozen questions or more are posted.
Quite often a legitimate thread of answering leads to a banter between posters which I enjoy.
Me too Donny.
I must admit I do not parse an answer very often. I hope that by working backwards the questioner will learn how it works, making it easier for them in the future.

PS, along with Xword Guidelines I meant to add
Where else would you post Crossword Guidelines?

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