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Rte 23

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scooke | 07:36 Tue 30th May 2017 | Crosswords
7 Answers
12a one blazes a trail for clues(5)?e?d?
25a good friday for him was probably his salvation, according to the good book!(6)?r????
28a ready made realist, initally becomes another walter mitty!(10)?a?????m?r
15a endless cheat in turn apiece(4)T???


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leads - not sure why though?
28a daydreamer? anag
FF - Hints? give a clue, a lead - trail blazers - leaders
thanks ducksie- but yes I got the leads from it being a synonym of clues but I wasn't sure how we got from trailblazer(s)/ leader(s) to kleads
Anyway, it's RTE so I am quite often not totally satisfied with these but accept them now for what they are
it's been asked before on this crossword

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