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Workers At The Bridge 10

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Forster60 | 00:40 Sat 17th Feb 2018 | Crosswords
15 Answers
Immobilised but able to replenish money drawer 5-5


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Stock still
Any crossers Foster?
That ought to be "ant crossers" Mamy.... Lol
Very good, both :-)
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Stock still
Thank to this!
have you any letters placed in the bridge clue?
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Workers at the bridge
Librarians (?) - Just because it fits....
Rhinarians - (bridge of the) nose doctors?
^^^ Googles refuses to accept that 'rhinarians' is a valid word. I'd love it to be right though as it would be an interesting twist on references to the dental profession, which is what cryptic crosswords about 'workers' and 'bridge' usually seem to lead to.

I'd also seen that 'librarians' fits but, unless JJ109's Glaswegian reference is relevant, I can't see why it could be the answer.
Clutching at straws here Chris....
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Will be's a local crossword!! Thank you
Stock still?

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Workers At The Bridge 10

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