I do think it was rude...and if anybody commented that my house smelled because I have dogs, I would think that was rude too. As people who visit houses for a living will tell you (I was one for many years) EVERY HOUSE SMELLS OF SOMETHING. Noseblindness is a thing and if you live with a smell its possible to stop noticing it. If you drink beer or whiskey on a regular basis, cook curries or use garlic, use a deep fryer, ride, colour or use some other products on your hair, and many many other things then you and your house will smell of it to someone who does not live there. Unless there is a genuine need to comment, like smelling burning, then its not polite to comment directly. If the smell might be down to a continence issue then its something to keep in mind and maybe investigate very tactfully at an appropriate time. Same with body and breath smells...sometimes its diagnostic and needs tactful investigation otherwise keep schtum.