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Dismayed At Our Local Scouting Dc

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cassa333 | 21:17 Tue 08th May 2018 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
He has sacked our really dedicated and long standing GSL for being too old and been in scouting too long (22 yrs)?? And the group is small and doesn't have enough leader!!

She may be older but the group go on more camps and activities than some of the other local groups. And if the group hasn't enough leaders why get rid of one.

This is coming from the DC who is a pensioner himself with 30 odd years in scouting. Since he took over DC last year he has disbanded two groups and made the other become 'one group that meets on four different nights'.


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Can you take this higher than DC if you are not happy?
perhapsthe dc knows something u dont
That's beyond belief, Cassa.....I know there is a shortage of leaders country wide....and one is sacked!!
Lord BP would be furious I think.....if it was in my area I'd be asking questions from higher than the DC...x
What's a DC and GSL ?
i presume district comissioner and girl scout leader
Thanks bednobs xx. Seems odd behaviour as I know such groups are struggling for suitable adult leaders..
yes, two of my daughters rainbow leaders are retiring at the end of this term and there is noone to replace them. daughter very kindly said to them that her mummy could do it!
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District Commissioner and Group scout leader.

She was in charge of one of the four local scout group.

I am really angry because this is so unfare. She works tirelessly for the group and is really dedicated. So she is old. But she does a hell of a lot more than I ever do or could. I don't know what will happen though as her husband and son are also scout leaders. The whole family is typical scouting and do so much. I don't know what would happen if they all went.
Go next grade up and complain ? If you can muster a few names and complain collectively it may help...of course that is if the sacked leader actually wants to remain...
That is such a shame, she should be allowed to carry on.
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She does want to carry on. She loves it. The whole family does.

I am trying to find out if we can get some parents involved to get her reinstated.
I was a Brown Owl for a number of years back in the day. I had to give up when I moved over a hundred miles away. I couldn't find anyone to take over. The brownie pack folded. I felt so guilty but nothing I could do.
What a twonk, take it to the Daily Mail, -they'll be all over that like a rash and then it'll attract the attention of the proper powers that be, also obviously put in a complaint about him.
This sort of thing, getting rid of people on the grounds of age, is not confined to scouting. It happens a lot in the church too. Because they are volunteers I don't know whether discrimination laws apply.
It sadly looks like not Jack, I think this is appalling. this is quote an old link but it seems to be quite a prevalent problem and one which tbh needs urgent addressing :(
A shameful way to treat these wonderful dedicated people and is a step towards the collapse of the organisation in my view.
While I sympathise, excessive insurance cost is often the cause for elders in voluntary work.
"a step towards the collapse of the organisation"

One can but hope:
It is sheer folly to dismiss someone when you don't have a replacement already lined up. As long as the person is competent he or she should e allowed to carry on. These are voluntary organisations, not employed positions where there are plenty of people ready to step up. As has been pointed out, if there is no replacement the group may fold. Is that what they want?
It's certainly what DaveG wants, JD.
They've just dropped the boy from boyscouts in case it offends transexual scouts. (sigh)

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