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Big Issue Crossword

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Donaldinho | 15:47 Sat 15th Dec 2018 | Crosswords
10 Answers
7d Noting evils were worrying the doctor - ?I?i?g?????
18a Open container I make to be shaped like a long hollow body - ??b?f?o?
22a Clear task on the grid - ??t?o?k
23a Spicy hitch? - C?o?t


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18a Cubiform?
15:53 Sat 15th Dec 2018
22 Network, grid. Net = clear, work - task.
7 Livingstone (Dr, I presume?), anagram.
7. Livingston
7d Livingstone (anag of Noting evils)
18a Cubiform?
Tubiform maybe - Tub being a container, + I form.
23a Clove (Spice and Clove Hitch - a knot)
Yes . . . Tubiform = much better!
Thanks, Flonska! I'd been going to ask you how your Cubiform worked when I saw the tub.
Thank you for the BA but NAC's answer "tubiform" @ 15:54 was much better!

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